
Meeting of the Board of Aldermen of the City of Clarkson Valley, September 6, 2022


The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

A roll call for the meeting was taken with the following result:

PRESENT                                            Ward                ABSENT

Mayor Scott Douglass

Alderperson Jim Meyer (via Zoom)                   Ward 1

Alderperson Sue McNamara                             Ward 1

Alderperson Julie Blanner                                 Ward 2             Alderperson Honora Schiller

Alderperson Lin Midyett                                   Ward 3

Alderperson Gregg Bogosian                            Ward 3


Also in Attendance:  City Attorney, Patrick Butler and City Clerk, Michele McMahon

Alderperson Meyer made a motion to accept the July and August 2022 Minutes.  Alderperson Blanner seconded the motion.  A voice vote was taken to accept the Minutes with an affirmative result and the motion was declared passed.


There were no remarks, petitions, or complaints.


Chesterfield Police Report 

Lt. Connelly was unavailable to attend this meeting and Mayor Douglass gave the Police Report

Mayor’s Report

Court Report:  Mayor Douglass said the amount received in August 2022 for court receipts was $6,057.69.

Special Meeting to Approve Personal Property and Real Estate Taxes:  City Clerk, Michele McMahon, explained the process for receiving the figures required to pass this Bill and asked if everyone was available September 22 for a 4:00 meeting. Four of the six were able to commit and she will send an email reminding them of the date and post proper notification in the newspaper.

Alderpersons’ Reports

Westhampton Water Main Upgrade:  Alderperson Midyett said they were still working on the water lines in Westhampton subdivision. Mayor Douglass said Jennycliffe will be receiving a similar upgrade.

City Attorney’s Report

The City Attorney, Patrick Butler, said it was all good in the City.


ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act):  Mayor Douglass said the City Attorney delved into the question we had regarding municipalities’ abilities to spend ARPA funds. He said at a prior meeting, Alderperson Midyett mentioned the importance of deciding beforehand how best we can utilize these funds to serve the greatest population of our residents. Alderperson Midyett said he would like to see Clarkson Road get sidewalks. Alderperson McNamara said she would like to see Kehrs Mill Road receive an update to their sidewalks, further mentioning that polling residents to see what level of interest they have in these would be good.

Mayor Douglass mentioned the City has received requests for street lights in Westhampton and dam restoration in Kehrs Mill Trails.  Regarding the latter, Alderperson Bogosian mentioned the City Attorney’s memo, particularly page 3 which lists examples of what cities around the country utilize ARPA funds for “government services”, particularly the last item:  parks; athletic fields; new restrooms; new municipal buildings; improvements to existing buildings sidewalks roads; outdoor theaters; traffic signals; street lights; new computers and software; funding health clinics; funding free prescriptions; new water lines and sewers; new equipment for police and fire services; funding to schools and school construction; and flood mitigation.

Alderperson Meyer said that although he feels bad about the cost involved to Kehrs Mill Subdivision for dam restoration, he feels we would be helping very few.  He would like to see some of this money help the school district.  Mayor Douglass said he is having lunch with the superintendent and could mention it then.

In the end, everyone agreed we should create a list and work from that, and the best practice is to maintain a clear paper trail as there is sure to be an audit at the end of all this.

Investment Policy:  Alderperson Bogosian mentioned the percentages applicable to an investment if made today, saying they are going up every day.  He said we would want to go long-term in the investment if we believe the market will go down; short term if you think it will go up.  Alderperson Meyer commented that he liked the idea of having a person who is responsible for our money and also having it fully insured.  Mayor Douglass remarked that he would like the Investment Policy changed to reflect, in addition to the Mayor, a designated Alderperson.  And went on to say, we’ve had a Personnel Committee in the past, we could have an Investment Committee.

The suggestion came from Mayor Douglass who said he would like to see the City ladder a half million in T-Bills, plus $500,000 in ARPA.  Alderperson Midyett said he thinks we should put more than that in and Alderperson Blanner agreed.  Alderperson Bogosian said we could leave $250,000 in the bank, which is insured and also, that he would like to work with Mitch Slattery, a financial adviser with Edward Jones and everyone concurred.  Alderperson Midyett stated that we should invest and insure as much as we can.

Website “Report A Problem”:  The City is starting a new way to receive nuisance complaints and few suggestions were made to make the portal more understandable and user friendly.

Approval of Appointments:  A motion was made by Alderperson Midyett to approve the appointment of Brad Johnson to the Planning and Zoning Commission, seconded by Alderperson Bogosian.  A voice vote was taken with a unanimous affirmative result and Mayor Douglass declared it approved and passed.

A motion was made by Alderperson McNamara to approve the appointment of Marcia Trein to serve on the Architectural Review Board, seconded by Alderperson Blanner.  A voice vote was taken with a unanimous affirmative result and Mayor Douglass declared it approved and passed.



A motion was made by Alderperson Meyer and seconded by Alderperson McNamara to discuss and pass Bill No. 0517.  Mayor Douglass read Bill No. 0517 for the first time.  He said this is to identify and prohibit chicken wire other than when used in conjunction with fences.  Mayor Douglass read Bill No. 0517 the second time.  A roll call vote was taken, with the following results.  Ayes:  Blanner, Bogosian, McNamara, Meyer, and Midyett.  There were no Nays.  Whereby, Mayor Douglass declared Bill No. 0517 as having passed and is now Ordinance No. 22-09.

Marquette Craft Fair Signs and Banner:  Alderperson Blanner made a motion, seconded by Alderperson Meyer to approve the request for a banner for the Annual Marquette Marching Band Craft Fair.  The requested date for installation of the banner is towards the end of September and the banner will be placed close to the electronic marquee.  A voice vote was taken to approve the request for banner with a unanimous affirmative result and the motion was declared passed.

Audit:  Alderperson Meyer made a motion to approve payment of invoices in the amount of $95,513.76 seconded by Alderperson McNamara.  A voice vote was taken to approve the audit with a unanimous affirmative result and the motion was declared passed.

Alderperson Meyer made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderperson McNamara.  A voice vote was taken with a unanimous affirmative result and the motion was declared passed.  The Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Alderperson Meyer said he would like to acknowledge the great work Alderperson Bogosian did on the investment recommendation.

Scott Douglass, Mayor

ATTEST:  Michele McMahon, City Clerk



DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day - April 27, 2024, from 10am-2pm at the Clarkson Valley City Hall parking lot.